Overheard at GMM HQ
“Sure viral TikTok videos may seem like the current ‘it’ marketing tactic, but it’s not the most effective or trusted way to reach or influence your target audience in the life sciences industry.” — Kiara Jackson on the latest blog, CEO Master Class: The Power of the Press Release Quote.

Back to (LinkedIn) School
The school season is officially in session. LinkedIn is kicking it off with not one but two new features. New to the syllabus: a link sticker and new Discover feed. Both features are beneficial to implement especially as LinkedIn’s engagement is on the rise. User sessions grew 22% in just the last quarter.
Make It Matter
If you want to be a top student on LinkedIn (and we know you do), use the Discover feed to drive audience engagement and new users to your company’s content. This timely update highlights content based on your interests and in-app behaviors. Sound familiar? If you are a TikToker then you might recognize this from TikTok’s freakishly accurate “For You” feed. On LinkedIn it’s tailored to professional updates, which is likely more valuable than the viral tortilla slap challenge.
For the longest time, LinkedIn seemed to thrive on being the center of attention and would penalize posts that drove traffic away from the platform. Now, with the link sticker, you have a new opportunity to help direct more clicks and traffic to the website of your choosing. Again, LinkedIn really takes the saying “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” to heart with this update as the link sticker is similar to the ones you see on Instagram and Facebook Stories. The link sticker provides a simple way on any platform to add another referral link into your posts in a more obvious and engaging way. This deserves an A+ in our opinion.
Google Changes and So Must Your Website
Website management is not a “set it and forget it” strategy, especially in the life sciences space. The website technology and standards are constantly changing and you cannot afford to fall behind. These changes impact how well your website will represent your company, and also its Google ranking. Now more than ever, you need to ensure your company website is updated for Google’s Page Experience rankings. Read the cliff notes on what this means for you, in case you need a refresher. Plus, don’t forget the new Google Analytics 4 will go into effect on July 1, 2023.
Make It Matter
Your website is still essential to your overall business strategy. Here are two tips to implement to boost your website’s effectiveness.
- Make frequent updates to your website. Sorry to be a buzzkill, but you do need to redesign your website regularly. Trends move fast, and you have to be sure your website doesn’t become totally obsolete because of the lack of thought into the user’s experience. Your customers will notice when you haven’t updated your website in years. Especially as a life sciences company, innovation is vital to clients looking for innovative solutions. Do you want your digital presence to look like an Apple store or Radio Shack?
- Ensure your website is maintained with the latest updates. A living website is how you ensure your website doesn’t go static. Updating information as it changes, making corrections or fixes as bugs happen (which do occur especially on WordPress sites), and keeping your audience up to date with company news are ways your website stays fresh. According to the MarTech Series, you should routinely pull key website data, such as bounce rates, most visited web pages, and average monthly web page visits, to help you understand your audience and their behaviors. Invest in your website regularly, and it will yield dividends that support your corporate growth strategy.