Overheard at GMM HQ
"Hey, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark." - Ronda Fallon on why brand planning is essential to driving business
What the Industry Is Buzzing About

3D Goes Double D
Two German companies have paired up to construct breast scaffolds out of a bioresorbable polymer that guides the growth of natural tissue using the patient's own body fat harvested via liposuction. The bionic woman is here, and she’s got a great bod.
The End of Implants?
The German startup has the potential to disrupt the breast implant market, which has been plagued with safety and regulatory snags in its relatively short history. The Resomer polymer features mechanical properties and a degradation profile that allow the scaffold to absorb at a rate that matches the formation of the patient’s own tissue, eliminating the potential need for a silicone implant.
The 411
BellaSeno plans to begin first-in-human clinical trials of the Senella scaffolds with Resomer in Germany this quarter and is also offering integrated contract additive manufacturing deals to other companies seeking to bring resorbable implants to market for a wide range of medical applications. Disruptive indeed.
Happy Flu Season
Some very uplifting news from the CDC: Every 15 minutes, someone in the United States dies of a superbug that has learned to outsmart even our most sophisticated antibiotics. A girl you went to high school with would like to sell you some essential oils she believes can help, though.
At Least They’re Smart?
Genetic research shows germs have become especially adept at teaching each other how to outwit antibiotics. Now five drug-resistant superbugs have been identified on the CDC's "urgent threat" list—two more germs than were on the CDC's list in 2013.
The 411
The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases points out that whether it's overuse in humans or animals, since antibiotic resistance is largely a man-made problem, it requires man-made solutions. A word to the wise: Schedule your flu shot STAT.
Would You Rather: Heart Disease Edition
Would you rather: A.) Have very invasive open heart surgery, or B.) Swallow a pill with breakfast? Good news, research has your back on this one.
Gimme the Good News
The highly anticipated ISCHEMIA study found no difference in a constellation of major heart-disease outcomes, including cardiac death, heart attacks, heart-related hospitalizations and resuscitation after cardiac arrest when comparing invasive surgical procedures with pills and lifestyle improvements in patients with stable heart disease.
The 411
The ISCHEMIA trial shows that while an invasive surgical approach relieves chest pains, it doesn’t protect patients against death or the chance of a heart attack. We’re no doctors, but seems like avoiding chest pains *and* surgery through preventative measures is the golden ticket.

We love this idea—and they’re a heck of a lot more stylish than Crocs!